Monday, July 22, 2019

1959 All-Stars

Wednesday, July 22, 1959

Introducing: The 1959 West Covina American Little League All-Star Team

Click image for full-res file.

Standing (l. to r.): Moe Fox (Manager), Sam Cooper, Chuck Calver, Lee Meyers, Tom Hartsock, Ken Zoelle, Pat Toomay, Bruce Pittenger, Ed Shannon (Manager). Kneeling: Larry W. Young, Greg Mulligan, Tom Finch, Ken Wiedemann, Jim Mackenzie, John McCaffrey, Larry D. Young.


This year's pitching crew...

Click image for full-res file.

Standing (l. to r.): Lee Meyers, Tom Hartsock, Ken Zoelle, Greg Mulligan. Kneeling: Pat Toomay, Chuck Calver (Catcher), Jim Mackenzie.


...and the coaches: 7-Up's Ed Shannon and Moe Fox.

The best picture ever taken of these two best friends.


And finally, your intrepid cub reporter in a contemporaneous photograph.

I must confess, though, that I spent a lot more time getting into mischief with Ricky Fox at these games than I did watching the action on the field. ;-) I couldn't write very well yet at this age, either, but I did already know my A-B-Cs!


7-Up's ace Kenny Zoelle will be on the mound for West Covina American when Area 2 tournament play officially gets underway tomorrow at West Covina National field.


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